You Have to Give Away $100 Million Dollars – Who Would Get It?

You can inherit $10 million dollars!

But first, you have to give away $100 million (to someone other than yourself, friends, family, or loved ones.)

Imagine how wonderful it would be to bless others with even part of that much money!

Who would I give $100 million to?

I would give $10 million dollars to each of the following:

— 4 spiritual organizations that have helped me learn about, and follow God. So they could continue the honorable work they have done for decades.

— Feeding America to feed the hungry.

— Alzheimer’s research in honor of Johnny Crawford and so many others who have suffered with that disease.

— Cancer research in honor of so many friends who have suffered with that disease.

— Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to help people with spinal cord injuries and neurological disorders.

— Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

— Paralyzed Veterans of America.

What about the $10 million I would inherit after I gave away $100 million?

I don’t need $10 million dollars. And there is so much need in the world. So many worthy causes.

I’d buy a small home in my dream location. Then figure living expenses and potential medical expenses. And a bit for fun. 🙂

After that, I’d determine if any loved ones really needed the help. (Since it’s my money, I’d be the judge of what to pay off and buy for my loved ones. You might be more generous with people spending the way they want. In my world, there’s no room to be too frivolous. Money is too hard earned.) With any remainder, I’d do my best to create job opportunities for Americans.

Who would you give $100 million dollars to — and how would you spend the $10 million you would inherit?

You Have to Give Away $100 Million Dollars – Who Would Get It? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “You Have to Give Away $100 Million Dollars – Who Would Get It?

  1. Joni; We are soul sisters for sure. My list closely echos yours. I would give to my charities, and the ministries that have supported me spiritually for years- buy new cars for all my nieces and nephews and their parents, leave a reasonable trust fund for my son, purchase my dream home as well, then travel and teach writing to mission organizations and churches. Offer writing conference scholarships along with purchasing and donating to my local libraries updated writing resource materials.

    • Thanks for sharing. Wish we all had that amount of money – so many worthy folks would be helped. Thanks for dreaming with me. 🙂

  2. I would refuse the money for myself or to give to others. I have seen too many people corrupted by an over abundance of money. Right now I support a child from Compassion International and a Missionary in Ethiopia ($45 and $50 per month), but I would fear that giving more money to these areas would cause them to be in danger.

    • That’s always a danger – to give and the person who receives it would misuse it somehow. I have to trust in God that I’m giving it for the reason God wants me to give it – and He will make sure it is used for His purpose. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jane. 🙂

  3. I would divide the $100 million amongst these groups: The Finishing Fund to spread the Gospel to places it’s never been heard; Samaritan’s Purse to support their field hospitals, Voice of the Martyrs to aid Christians that are being persecuted throughout the world, and mission groups that need help. With the $10 million, I’d buy homes for a few people I know that need one. Then, support local churches. In their local food bank efforts.

    • Thanks for commenting. So many great causes and so much need. Thankful God blesses us with what we have so we can give what we can. 🙂

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