An award-winning author in fiction and non-fiction, Joni is currently writing a murder mystery.
Weekdays are spent writing user help files and reference guides for a software company. She analyzes how a software application works, and breaks down complex processes into understandable procedures.
She does the opposite with her fiction. Taking a simple idea, Joni plots, plans, throws in twists, plants clues, pops in red herrings, and devises the next catastrophe for her characters.
Joni’s non-fiction packs the punch of life lessons – usually learned the hard way. And hopefully gives encouragement and shows God’s infinite mercy and grace in those “learning times”.
She participates in writers groups and conferences to learn more about the craft of writing.
A writing mentor of hers said, “The best compliment a writer can receive, is that every word of a piece was necessary.”
Joni continues her quest, asking God for the words He wants her to write… only the necessary ones.