In Fiction
Like many fiction writers, I go to great lengths, effort, time, mental energy, and emotional energy to create realistic, sympathetic characters.
If the reader doesn’t care enough about the characters to root for them and hope they “win”, that reader may never finish the book, never pay hard-earned money to buy the next novel, and possibly leave a less than stellar review on social media.
That process is: a character suffers some specific and poignant trauma to which humans can relate. The trauma wounds the character, and they believe some lie that they act out. And the external events of the story are designed to cause the character to realize and overcome the lie (and the wound is healed). I like happy endings, okay?
In Life
We’ve all suffered trauma. That’s why we can relate to the suffering of fictional characters. And the most compelling and helpful thing fiction can do is show a way to healing.
And when we suffer trauma, we’re wounded, and many times believe a lie.
I believe Psalm 139:16 “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”
This may be different from what you believe. But my life experiences have taught me that God doesn’t cause bad things to happen. The evil forces in the universe carry those out. And God allows them ONLY IF He intends to turns them for my good. To show His power and mercy and love.
In My Life
The external events of my life help me realize and overcome the lies I believe. In order to heal the wounds from traumas I’ve suffered.
I’m also realistic enough to know it’s probable that not all of my wounds and lies will heal before I step into eternity.
In Others’ Lives
The lies other people live because of their wounds are more evident to me than my own at times.
— Like the person who’s been abused, or makes a mistake before they marry, and goes through life alone because they believe they don’t deserve to be loved by anyone.
— Or the person who marries someone they think they can change. And wind up feeling they deserve disrespect and mistreatment because of a decision they made when they were young and less experienced in discerning the character of their mate.
— Or the person who’s been told they would never amount to anything. They can’t accept compliments, or compassion, or help from others. And they live their lives in isolation, believing they are nothing and have nothing to offer.
— Or a multitude of other lies we let diminish, or destroy, the quality of our lives.
What I See
I’m heartbroken when I perceive someone living out their lie. And oftentimes, my words and actions don’t help them. I have to accept their lie is too strong at that moment. And I’m not the director of when or how they will heal.
And I’m certain others see me living my lies. And for all their efforts, I don’t seem to be able to overcome those lies.
What I Can Do
I can do the things I repeat in many of my blogs:
— Ask God to show and help me do what I can to comfort, encourage, and support others on the journey He has designed for them.
— Ask God to show and help them do their part to acknowledge the wounds, discern the lies, and do what they can to let go of those lies.
— Ask God to show and help me do my part to acknowledge my wounds, discern the lies, and do what I can to let go of those lies.
— And for both others and myself, ask God to do His part – and heal as only He can.

God goes to great lengths, effort, time, and energy to create us — help us during the journey — and see us safely home. Healed. To the happy ending He has planned.

In what ways do you comfort, encourage, and support others?
Wounds — Lies — Healing. How do you comfort, encourage, and support others? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
Thank you for this post, Joni. I don’t encourage as much as I should, that’s for sure. This post encourages me to remember others are often going through things I don’t know about and I should always be an encourager.
Thank you for sharing, Tim. I’m grateful you found the post helpful.
I’m not sure I do this very well. But your blogpost gives me plenty of examples of how to do it, along with Scripture to back it up. I am always inspired to do better things after reading your blogpost.
Thanks for reading and sharing, Jane. We are all a work in progress, and God has us see and hear things every day to help us do what He wants. I’m grateful God doesn’t expect perfection and He always forgives.
This is beautifully said. I hope to encourage some one in the weeks ahead.
You are the best encourager I know! Your positive, caring attitude toward everyone is an inspiration to me. Thank you for reading and sharing. 🙂