Who Will I Decide To Be?

Who I Am

When I’m being me, with my self-will in control:

— I want a problem-free life.

— I want all of my plans to go exactly as I design.

— I want to do what I want, when I want.

— I do whatever it takes to get what I want.

— The only thought I have about others, is how to make them do what I want so I’m happy.

— I am not just the most important person, I am the ONLY important person.

Whose I Am

When I’m focusing on whose I am, and trying to align my self-will to God’s will:

— I know there will be problems, but God will help me through them. I also believe God protects me from many things. And He only allows problems so I can grow in order to serve Him more effectively.

— I know God’s plan always happens exactly the way He designed.

— I want to do what God wants me to do.

— I ask God for help to do whatever it takes to complete the tasks He created me to accomplish.

— The only thought I have for others, is how to show them how much God loves them. So they can know God’s love and be truly happy.

— I am just as important to God as everyone else is. And the great I AM is the most important person to me.

Who am I?

It’s my decision:

I can choose to be who I am.

Or I can choose to be whose I am.

My prayer is that I choose to be whose I am. To reflect God to the world. And in being whose I am, the great I AM will use that to draw others to Himself.

What helps you choose who you want to be?

Who Will I Decide To Be? — What helps you choose who you want to be? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Who Will I Decide To Be?

  1. Great post, Joni. My wife has a saying that she uses with our daughters. “Remember who you are and whose you are.”

  2. A wonderful and thought provoking blog, Joni. May we all keep our hearts focused on whose we are. I think what helps me do this most is spending time in God’s word. He has a way of refocusing me 😊❤️ Blessings to you!

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Kim. I appreciate your thoughts and I’m glad my post was helpful. Blessings to you as well.

  3. What a great post! I loved it!💗

    What helps me choose who I want to be??? Honestly, I would just like to choose your first list😉. But, I beat myself into submission (in my mind, ha ha) and try to make myself think more like your second list. I just wear myself out with the beatings sometimes though, and then I wish I could go back to the first list again. 🤣 (But God won’t let me. Because I’m bought with a price.🥰)

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks, Jane. Yes, me without God is definitely not the way God wants me to act. I appreciate you sharing. 🙂

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