Who are the Three Best Baseball Hitters – and Who Would Hit the Most in the Same Game?

Who are the three greatest baseball hitters – and who would hit the most pitches in the same game?

I would love to see these wonderful players (in their prime) play in the same game:

Babe Ruth

Ted Williams

Hank Aaron

Who do I think would hit the most pitches?

I don’t know stats and baseball that well, but I think I would want it to be “The Babe”….

Who would you like to see in the same game? And who do you think would hit the most pitches?

Who are the Three Best Baseball Hitters – and Who Would Hit the Most in the Same Game? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

 May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

4 thoughts on “Who are the Three Best Baseball Hitters – and Who Would Hit the Most in the Same Game?

  1. I had to ask my husband as I have not followed baseball. He says, “Mickey Mantle (a switch hitter), Ted Williams (last .400 hitter), Roberto Clemente (played 18 seasons for the Pirates). The one to hit the most pitches??: Mickey Mantle… because he was a switch hitter.

    That was fun! I learned a few things about baseball and who played. Thanks for giving us something interesting to think about today!

    • Thanks for adding to the list. Mickey, Ted, and Roberto – great picks! And I didn’t know Mickey was a switch hitter. Can’t you just envision all of the picks from everyone playing in the same game? That would be SO COOL!!!

  2. Ty Cobb
    Cal Ripken
    Hank Aaron

    • Thanks for sharing your list. Some of the players we’ve named definitely had their faults, like every human. But man, could they play ball! I love the movie, “Field of Dreams”. And it’s fun to imagine our favorites in a game all together. Do you have a guess who would win the batting contest?

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