May, 1924
A hundred years ago in Paris, the 1924 Olympics began on May 4th.
The 1982 movie, “Chariots of Fire”, highlighted some of the athletes who participated in those games. The drama, the triumphs, and for some, defeat even when they did their best.
The athletes began with natural talent. For the majority of them, it wasn’t enough.
They trained and practiced. Every day. Month in and month out. For years.
When they participated in their events at the Olympics, they applied all of that talent, training, and practice to go for their goal. They wanted to win the gold.
Some won. Some placed. Some did not.
But they did their best.
May, 2024
I strive to align my goals with what God wants me to do.
I have tangible, earthbound dreams like writing bestselling mysteries and blogs that encourage others. And goals to save enough money to retire and live without financial worry, as well as to eat right and exercise to be healthy. Each requires using my talents and intellect to learn what’s necessary, and then put that into practice.
My intangible goals require using my talents, reading and asking God to help me apply His Word, and putting into practice what He has said to do:
— Show kindness and understanding to others, regardless of how they behave.
— Remember that everyone is loved by God, and He expects me to treat them with respect….and to pray for them.
— Trust Him even when things aren’t going the way I want them to go, and remember He turns everything for my good and His glory.
— Help others when and where and how I can.
Whatever my goal:
I may not be the best of the best, but when I do what God wants, I won’t be defeated.
Because I know when I do my best and align my goals with God’s vision, I will always “place” where He planned.
And that is the ultimate definition of winning.
What helps you achieve your goals?
When Placing Is Winning – What helps you achieve your goals? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
Joni – Thank you for reminding us of the true definition of winning—trusting and obeying God and leaving results to Him. May God bless you in the goals that you have set.
Thank you, Kim, for reading and commenting. I pray for you as you strive for your goals as well.
This post was so encouraging to me. I love all the goals you list for your life. I want those goals to be my goals as well. You have definitely reached one goal and that is the goal to write encouraging blogs:)
Thank you for reading and encouraging me, Jane. I appreciate your support. 🙂
Great post, Joni. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of “placing” where God wants me.