Unsung Hero of the Writing World

The Red Pen

An unsung hero of the writing world is the red pen.

I attended a writers conference recently, where one of the events is Genre Night.

Conferees can dress up as one of the characters from their (or someone else’s) book, or something related to writing or a particular genre.

I’ve donned different costumes through the years, but this year, I’m thankful God gave me the fun idea of dressing as a red pen.

Part of Genre Night is that we walk across the stage, introduce ourselves, and say a short blurb.

Here’s what I said:

I’m Joni Vance and I write mysteries. Tonight, I’m portraying one of the unsung heroes of the writing world.

The Red Pen.

At first, writers may groan, and hope the cap stays on and the refills run out.

But eventually, we muster gratitude, because it has the potential to make our work more compelling.

So here’s to the red pens of the world — and the skilled people who wield them.

What other clean fun, writing-related costumes can you suggest?

Unsung Hero of the Writing World – The Red Pen. What clean fun, writing-related costume can you suggest? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Unsung Hero of the Writing World

  1. I have no ideas for any other writing-related costumes, but I think yours was genius. I bet you were met with great applause for that idea as it sunk in to the attendees. I bet that made everyone’s night and you will be remembered forever for it.

    Very creative! I love it!! You’re making your mark on the world… ha ha. Pun intended.

    • Thanks for reading my blog. Genre Night was fun, and there were lots of great costumes.

  2. Joni,
    So cute!! And a great idea!

    • Thanks, Debbie! Wish you had been able to attend the entire conference and participate in Genre Night!

  3. Very clever, Joni!

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