Things Parents Don’t Want You To Know They’re Thinking

Every time I see the TV ad that proclaims one of the best things about grocery delivery is that parents can spend more time with their kids, I laugh.

I don’t believe that’s what parents are thinking.

Okay, they may want to spend more time with their children. I’m not disputing that.

But in this situation, there might just be another underlying thought…

I’m convinced parents love delivery because it means they don’t have to go to the grocery story with their kids. 😉

What’s something you believe parents don’t want you know they’re thinking? Thanks in advance for sharing some clean fun.

Things Parents Don’t Want You To Know They're Thinking – Thanks in advance for sharing some clean fun. Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Things Parents Don’t Want You To Know They’re Thinking

  1. I think most parents don’t want anyone to know what they are thinking most of the time.

    There is a funny story in my family. My grandfather had one of his twelve children (a girl) come up and ask him a question for the umpteenth time. He never answered her. He stood and looked at her for a long pause then shook his head and said, “Poor, dumb, young’n.”

    Many times when grand kids or adult kids are being crazy, we just shake our heads and repeat, “Poor, dumb, young’n.” Then we have a good laugh.:)

  2. As soon as my girls could sit up, I put those thick-page cardboard books in their laps. They loved banging on them and with them. I told myself I was teaching them the love of books from the very beginning. I was really looking for a way to get them out of my lap!

  3. Depending on the age of the child–the questions. When parents give their “sweet inquisitive child” a toy or snack diversion, they’re thinking, “I just need a break from the questions.” Thanks Joni.

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