I used to think surrender meant giving up. Completely abandoning any action. And giving in to despair.
When we were kids and played cops and robbers, surrender did mean giving up. Where the only despair was being called the loser of the game.
But I have a different perspective about surrender now.
Many times, I battle against something that’s happening in my life. I want to change it. I want to overcome it. I want to win.
But what if I can’t change it? What if I can’t “win”?
I can still overcome it.
But doesn’t overcoming mean winning?
Yes. But with a different definition than my original goal.
If I can face the truth of the situation, then I must take any actions that might improve it.
But even if there’s nothing I can do to change things, I can work to let go.
— Let go of the pain or negative impact the situation is inflicting.
— Let go of the outcome, and trust that God will turn it for my good and His glory.
— Let go of the battle and turn it over to the One who has already won every battle.
I always have the power to decide to let go. And with it, comes the win.
Surrender ≠ Giving Up
Surrender = Peace
How do you keep from giving up when you must surrender?
Surrender Does Not Equal Giving Up – How do you keep from giving up when you surrender? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
I have found that my main area I have to surrender is my time—I have tried to guard my time—but it is no use… I constantly have to give my time to others with little left to do the things I desire to do. On Sunday, we joined the church that we have been attending for a little over two years. Now, I must surrender more time to serve. And so I pray, Lord redeem my time… See Ephesians 5:15-17.
Thank you for reading and sharing. Doing what God wants with everything, including our time, is part of the quest. 🙂