Space In Real Time

For me, it was Neil Armstrong’s moon landing. It was way past my bedtime, and I had fallen asleep on the floor in front of the huge console TV in the den. My parents woke me just before 11:00 pm on July 20, 1969.

The grainy, black and white images of a man first touching his feet onto the moon sparked my imagination. And the thrill of space exploration has never grown old for me.

What is the first real-time space event you remember seeing?

Space In Real-Time – What's the first actual space event you remember seeing in real-time? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Space In Real Time

  1. I think I’ve only seen clips of the moon landing over the years in various programs or on the news. It’s funny how space exploration seems to have taken a backseat to new areas of exploration like AI.

    • Thanks for reading and commenting. I guess there are so many areas of exploration – and different things intrigue different people.

  2. I remember seeing the moon landing and I think it was in real time, but what sticks in my mind is that my dad wheeled the TV into the living room so we wouldn’t miss anything.

    • Thanks for sharing, Jacki. We had one of those old, big, console TVs that had about a 19″ screen and weighed about 500 lbs! ha ha But thankful we both saw that wonderful event. 🙂

  3. I also saw Armstrong’s moon landing, and like you, it was past my bedtime. My family was at the beach, and I kept falling asleep at the small kitchen table. My parents woke me up in time to see that unforgettable moment in history.

    • A great memory for both of us. Thanks for sharing your memory. 🙂 I remember having a school project and having to research and write all about the mission. And they integrated the subjects – history, science, and even wrote a poem for English class.

  4. Thanks Joni. I can’t remember. I saw the event you mentioned but don’t remember if I saw it real time.

    • Thanks for reading and sharing, Tim. I know, we see so much in life that it’s sometimes difficult to remember the first time we saw it or heard about it. At least we are fortunate to have seen it and know about it.

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