Seeing People

When I finally see them.

When I finally — after careful observation — see them.

But all I can observe are words and actions.

Is observation enough to really see someone?

I don’t think so. To really see them, I need to look beyond their words and actions.

But only God can see the heart. Their fears, their motivation, their reasons.

And my fears, my motivation, my reasons.

So, I need God to give me the discernment to see someone the way He wants me to see them.

Does it matter if I really see someone?

What if I miss the mark and not really see someone for who they are?

I’m only human. And I know whether I see them correctly or not, I have to choose how I speak and act.

With God’s help, I can do what I know works – it’s what He told me to do.

Love others.

No matter what.

But that doesn’t mean I have to accept abuse or have a relationship with someone who’s behaving inappropriately.

What it does mean, is that regardless of the other ways I can show love and kindness, there’s an action I believe is the most loving thing I can do for them.

What am I supposed to do?

The most loving thing I can do for someone is to pray for them.

Even if I choose not to listen to their words because those words are harmful.

Even if I choose not to be around them because their actions are hurtful.

I must pray for them.

No matter what.

Regardless of what others really see when they look at me, prayers are the most essential words I need to speak — and the most important action I need to take.

What helps you see others and treat them with kindness?

Seeing People – What helps you see others and treat them with kindness? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Seeing People

  1. I think you have the best plan for loving others — to pray for them. Praying for others is not always easy, especially your enemies. I think you have a lot of courage, because you pray for others no matter what.

    • Thanks for reading. I try to do what God wants – and He says to pray for others, including people who may be against us. I appreciate you sharing.

  2. Love this post. “I must pray for them.”

  3. A song from years ago by Amy Grant, “My Father’s Eyes,” speaks of seeing people the way God sees them. Remembering how much He loves them helps me, and I pray He will love others through me. Thank you for your blog, Joni! Blessings!

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