Refrigerators and God’s Perspective

A Cavern at the Top

Most of my life, the refrigerator in my home had a freezer at the top. To get something from the back meant digging and/or unpacking some or all of the contents. Then once I pulled out what I wanted, everything else had to be put back.

It was practically impossible to get a good grasp of what was where.


In recent years, I lived in a place with a side-by-side unit. At least there were multiple shelves where I could more easily organize different kinds of frozen foods. But there were still times when I had to unload a few things to reach an item at the back of a particular shelf.

It was easier to see the packages and determine the possibilities for a meal.

A View from the Top

And then, I moved to a home where the refrigerator has french, side-by-side doors at the top, and the freezer drawer pulls out from the bottom of the unit.

My short-statured frame thought it had reached refrigerator nirvana.

I can see everything! And I can reach everything. And don’t have to remove other items to pull out what I want.

Refrigerators and God’s Perspective

Looking down at my frozen food, it hit me. Someone finally designed a refrigerator from God’s perspective.

While I know God is everywhere all the time, He’s often described as “looking down from heaven”.

He sees everything and His perspective is better than mine.

And it reminds me that whether I’m looking at frozen food or life, it’s better for me when I see things from God’s perspective.

What helps you see life clearly?

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Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Refrigerators and God’s Perspective

  1. I love the thoughts you shared and love thinking about God looking down from heaven. I think most times I see life like your first refrigerator, and I have to dig to really see and process what is in there. 🤣

    • Thank you for reading and sharing, Jane. It’s difficult to see life from God’s perspective, but I’m grateful when He gives me the ability to do so. Most of the time, I’m stuck in “Joni vision”. ha ha Grateful God loves me no matter what!

  2. Great post, Joni! My Bible study this morning was on seeing things from God’s perspective, and this evening I read your blog. Hmm, I think God is trying to tell me something…

    • God is always trying to tell me something, Kim. 😉 I appreciate you reading and sharing, and I’m glad the post is helpful.

  3. Great post, Joni. Thought-provoking. I’m glad God sees all and knows all.

    • I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts, Tim. I’m glad God knows all and see all, too. 🙂

  4. Joni,
    What an interesting perspective. I never thought of God when I open my fridge. But as a short woman, I totally get your point. Another place to stop and praise. Great prompt to see things and people as He sees them.

    • Thanks for reading and commenting, Debbie. Yes, God sends messages to me all the time. Sometimes I pick up on them – other times, not. 🙂

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