Every April Fools’ Day, I’m reminded that practical jokes never seem practical or funny to me.
Others may see pranks as harmless or “all in good fun”.
That hasn’t been my experience, so I agree to disagree about pranks being harmless.
When others have played practical jokes on me, I’ve felt humiliated and harmed. And attacked by a person whose ultimate motive seemed to be to degrade and ridicule. Done in the spirit of having fun at my expense.
When I see a prank played on others, regardless of their reaction, I hurt for them. Even if the person on whom the joke is played laughs it off, I still wonder what they are really feeling, and how much harm has been done.
I pray not only for the people who have suffered the brunt of the so-called joke, but for the people who perpetrate the action.
Because the other thing I wonder is, what makes a person want to humiliate and degrade and ridicule another human being?
Regardless of your experience on either side of a practical joke, I pray that God keeps you from harm, and heals you if harm is done.
What are ways to support people who are hurting?
Practical Jokes Aren't Either – What are ways to support people who are hurting? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
I agree
Thank you for sharing, Sarah. I appreciate you reading and commenting on my blog. 🙂
Great post on being careful to care for others and their feelings. One of the questions I hate to hear the most is, “Can’t you take a joke?” Usually the person asking can’t take it if the same thing is done to them and are quick to express their anger over the hurt and embarrassment. I think the most important thing we can do to support hurting people is to treat others as we want to be treated as in Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31.
Thank you for your insights, Jane. I appreciate the mention of the Bible verses. 🙂
Great thoughts, Joni. Shows your empathy for others – one of your fine traits.
Thank you for your comments, Tim. I appreciate your support.
I think the most important thing is to let them know you’re there for them. Ask “what can I do to help you right now? What do you need?”
Conversation, an ear to listen, a hug, or just sitting quietly together are all valid. But everyone processes and heals in different ways.
Thank you for reading and sharing, Alex. I appreciate the great suggestions. 🙂