One Kind of Power
Being in control. Being boss. Making the world be exactly the way the powerful think it is supposed to be.
The quest is worth it because the powerful have the freedom to do anything they want.
Too often, power demands relentless, merciless, all-consuming dedication to attain and keep it.
It may require infringing on the freedom of others. Forcing others to do something against what they believe, or to commit unethical, immoral, or illegal acts.
And the quest can force the power seeker to do whatever it takes to defeat anyone who opposes or disagrees.
A Better Kind of Power
Letting go of negative emotions and behavior. Listening to others and finding ways to help them. Focusing on making positive changes in as much of the world as possible.
The quest is worth it because the peaceful have the freedom to do anything they want.
Too often, peace demands concerted, consistent, all-encompassing dedication to attain and keep it.
It may require giving others the freedom to live their lives as they see fit. Releasing people even if they do something against what the peace seeker believes. While the peace seeker acts ethically, morally, and legally.
And the quest can force the peace seeker to do whatever it takes to treat others with compassion, and pray for them even if they oppose or disagree.
What Kind of Power Is Best?
The allure of power has been the motivator, and many times the downfall — or uplifiting — of untold numbers of humans.
Power can mean freedom. Or not.
From what I’ve observed and experienced:
— Peace seekers find power and freedom.
— Power seekers find neither peace nor freedom.
What helps you seek power that brings freedom?
Power Means Freedom, Right? What helps you seek power that brings freedom? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
I recently had the counsel from two different people to let my expectations of others and changes happening in them go. That only God can cause changes in people and He may or may not do it based on His calling for them. So my power comes from releasing my expectations of others and focusing on what I need to do to keep my relationship strong with God. And that has brought me great peace:)
Thanks for sharing, Jane. Yes, a friend of mine says that an expectation is a premeditated resentment. For me, that’s the truth. And all I can do is that the other person will do what God wants them to do. And also pray that God helps me release my expectations and do what He wants me to do.
You shared some important insights, Joni. The world is power hungry but spiritually empty. Jesus was the Supreme example of controlled power. His humility showed the servant hood He came to teach and God’s power was able to shine through.
Thanks so much for reading and sharing. I appreciate you reading my blog. Prayers for you.