Movie Stars on TV Westerns

I grew up watching TV westerns. And alot of movie stars acted in them.

Many of my favorite westerns are accessible on streaming platforms – and I’m enjoying them all over again.

One of the fun surprises is when I recognize an actor who later became a major movie star.

Can you name at least three major movie stars who also acted on a TV western?

For even more fun, I’ll name some actors. Can you name the TV western? (I’ll give my answers in the comments in a few days.)

— Clint Eastwood
— Steve McQueen
— Robert Redford

Your turn! Name as many movie stars and the TV westerns on which they acted as you can.

Movie Stars on TV Westerns – Name some of your favorites! Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

13 thoughts on “Movie Stars on TV Westerns

  1. Thanks, everyone who responded and shared your favorites. The answers to my three stars are:
    Clint Eastwood on Rawhide
    Steve McQueen on Wanted Dead or Alive
    Robert Redford guest starred on The Virginian

    Watch a western today and enjoy!

  2. Ronald Reagan (Various Westerns), Beverly Garland (from My Three Son’s and I think she starred on Bonanza and several other westerns), Robert Fuller (starred in Laramie and later as a doctor on Emergency show). πŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Jane. We all have our favorites! Our “childhood” friends. πŸ˜‰ Appreciate you sharing.

  3. Clint Eastwood was made for spaghetti westerns! Loved him back in the day. James Garner. Lived him in Doris Day movies! Barbara Stanwyck. Chuck Connors. Dennis Weaver. So, so many. Anybody remember Johnny Mack Brown besides me? If I recall correctly, he went to school with my Daddy. Fun question, Joni!!

    • All great actors and actresses. Chuck Connors played a great bad guy in “The Big Country” with Gregory Peck. Thanks for bringing up fun memories.

  4. Virginia Tinsley

    Not just men. The first person who came to my mind is Barbara Stanwyck.

  5. James Garner. He’s always been a favorite.

    • Definitely! He was in so many TV shows and movies, it’s hard for me to choose which I like best. Thanks for sharing!

  6. The one that always comes to mind for me is Clint Eastwood.

  7. James Garner

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