
I’m God’s workmanship.

I belong to the Master Craftsman.

He only creates masterpieces.

And masterpieces take time.

A lifetime plus an instant, as a matter of fact.

Slowly molded and made better over decades by the Master’s hand.

In the best second of that lifetime, this unfinished work will step into eternity.

And in that instant, the masterpiece will be completed.

You are one of God’s masterpieces. A priceless work in progress.

Carefully and lovingly crafted over a lifetime and an instant.

So is every human being who ever lived.

What helps you remember every human being is a masterpiece in progress?

Masterpiece – What helps you remember every human is a masterpiece in progress? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Masterpiece

  1. Great blog, Joni. I especially like your words “masterpieces take time-a lifetime plus an instant.” Good reminder to give each other grace.

  2. Thank you for this reminder, Joni. Always a help in life to remember how much Jesus loves us.

    • Thanks for commenting, Tim. I appreciate you reading my blog and I, too, need the reminder of God’s love. 🙂

  3. As always, a very encouraging blogpost, Joni. Thanks for reminding us how God thinks about us.

  4. Christine Distelhorst

    I was certainly molded slowly and know that God is still working on me! This reminds me of what Ruth Bell Graham said and is on her headstone, “Still under construction” and I am! Thank you for this lovely reminder!! I am wonderfully made a masterpiece!

    • I’m grateful God changes me at a pace that is right for me. He doesn’t wish any man to perish without accepting Him first. Thank you for sharing, Christine!

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