Labor Day Gratitude

Labor Day Gratitude

Thankful for workers everywhere

I’m extremely grateful for the multitude of people who work hard and do their jobs well to make my life better. Many have skills I could never master.

The list could include every job on the planet. And way too long to put in this blog, but I’ll name a few.

Landscapers, HVAC techs, mechanics, sanitation workers, water company workers, store clerks, police, firefighters, medics, 911 operators, doctors, nurses, and hospital staff.

And everyone else, too!

Thankful for my job

Today and every day, I’m grateful for my job, my manager, my co-workers, and the big bosses.

Saying thanks is easy

Labor Day is only one day a year, but we can say “Thank you” every time someone works hard and helps us out.

Or show appreciation by giving a bottle of water on a hot day to someone who works outside. And homemade goodies or gift cards are always a treat.

Name a worker you want to thank! What can you do to show appreciation?

Labor Day Gratitude – Name a worker you want to thank. How do you show appreciation? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Labor Day Gratitude

  1. Joni,
    I always remember how hard my Papa worked. He was the best shoe man I ever knew. People came from all over, bringing their kids for him to fit them in their new shoes. He never had a holiday. Every single one we spent in the store putting the left shoe on the racks. We opened every box in the store. No Labor Days off. No July 4th. No New Year’s Eve. And he worked tirelessly until my sister and I forced him to retire at age76. He was such a hard worker. Loved his job and all those who worked with him. Fond memories of that precious, godly man. Oh, and after her retired, he went to work for Publix! He kept the floors in Ft. Myers FL sparkling clean!!

  2. I’m grateful for my Pastor, Von Ramsey. He works so hard and shows love and appreciation for each member of his congregation. He always says, “If you have been coming for awhile, I want you to know that after one or two services, we claim you as our own.” He makes everyone feel loved, and welcome, and teaches deep truths from God’s Word.

    Thank you Joni, for making a way for us to say thanks:)

  3. Thank Joni. There are so many, but I appreciate all those who chose or were required to work through some tough conditions over the last couple of years as we’ve weathered the pandemic.

    • Absolutely! I’m so grateful for them. They risked so much to help all of us – and not just medical personnel, but service workers in every area. Thanks for commenting.

  4. I’m grateful for my mail carrier! I hope she is enjoying the day off. There are three generations of mail carriers in my family.

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