How Are You Changing The World?

Different ways to change the world

Writing is one way to change the world. And Martin Luther certainly made a huge impact with his words.

That’s the method I’ve chosen. Blogs, memes, poetry, essays, and fiction.

But I have friends who paint, compose, sing, rescue animals, feed the homeless, build houses, fix plumbing, fix cars, visit nursing facilities and shut-ins, etc.

The world needs all of us. Helping in the ways that our souls and hearts feel are most important.

When I picked the wrong way for me

At times, people have tried to shame, force, and coerce me into the activities they wanted me to do – because those were the things important to them.

I shudder when I recall the times I relented and did what they wanted. Not only did the efforts to give service fail, I resented them — and myself. And they were angry, disappointed, and resentful as well.

All because I didn’t say ‘no’ to something that wasn’t how I should spend my time and energy.

Carefully choosing my way

In my writing, I’m very careful to consider the edits others suggest.

Those recommendations may be given by well-meaning, intelligent people. But if the idea isn’t right for me, I need to respectfully ignore it.

I’m so thankful for my writers critique group. We provide comments and suggestions to help each other become more effective writers. And then we always come back to this:

Use the suggestions that are helpful and ignore the rest. It’s YOUR story. Nobody else has a greater level of passion and commitment for it than you do. Write it in your words. Your style. Your way.

Choosing your way

However you choose to change the world, here’s my perspective:

— Use the suggestions that are helpful and ignore the rest. (This includes any suggestions in this post.)

— It’s YOUR unique, heartfelt way to change the world.

— Nobody else has a greater level of passion and commitment for it than you do.

— Perform your tasks in your style and in your way.

The world needs you to be who you are.

How are you changing the world? Please share in the comments.

How Are You Changing The World? Choose the way that's right for you. Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

4 thoughts on “How Are You Changing The World?

  1. What a great post. Your words free people to be who God made them to be and that is so important.

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