Everyday Resolutions

Welcome to the new calendar year!

I used to make huge, and humanly unattainable, resolutions every January.

Lose 100 pounds in 2 months, finally begin to exercise and win a triathlon in April, write 10 bestsellers this year….

And by late January — or even before — I would abandon every resolution and brand myself a failure.

After suffering needlessly for way too many years, I finally caught on that I needed to change the timeframe and the goals.

Dare I say…make them realistic?

The timeframe

I can have long-term goals, but I must break them into small chunks to see progress. A year is too long a chunk. So is a month — or even a week in most cases.

I need to focus on today. And sometimes, just the next few hours or minutes.

The goal

I still write long lists I can’t finish. But there are a few that are the most important every day – that become “everyday” (commonplace and ordinary):

— Eat healthy – to nourish and fuel my body.

— Exercise healthy – to keep me active and uninjured.

— Do the next right thing – to complete the necessary tasks. If there’s time, work on the other list items. (If a task is still too big – break it into smaller tasks so I can see progress.)

But most importantly, ask God to help me know what I need to focus on and do at that moment.

The measure of success

Of course, I want to complete all the tasks on my to-do list. Setting that delusion aside…

More than anything, I want to live each moment doing what God wants:

— Taking actions that keep me healthy. (My body is not my own. I was bought at a price.)

— Showing kindness to others. (Love one another. Love your enemies.)

— Being grateful for every moment of each day. (Give thanks in all things.)

— Completing the tasks that make a positive difference. (Work as if I’m working for God because, well, I am.)

I may never finish all the tasks I write down for myself.

But I pray I finish all the ones on the “Joni-do” list written by God’s hand.

With His help, I know I can. One moment at a time. Every day of each week, month, and year.

What are your every day, “everyday” resolutions?

Everyday Resolutions – What everyday resolutions do you complete every day? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

4 thoughts on “Everyday Resolutions

  1. Hey Joni, this year I decided to choose a word for the year. My word for 2022 is “contentment.” I chose this word because I’ve allowed the last few years to shake my contentment in where God has me for this moment. I hope to continue working and striving for betterment, but at the same time, I want to realize God has me where He has me for a reason. I need to be content in that. Thanks for your post.

    • Thanks for sharing that, Tim. I know many people select a word and/or verse to focus on each year. A very inspirational practice set for a year – one day, one moment at a time.

  2. I love this post! I’ve read it 3-4 times now to get the entire message. There is so much wisdom here to set realistic goals for the things that make the most difference in our lives and the lives of others. I love the thought of the “‘Joni-do’ list written by God’s hand.”
    I want to make sure my to-do lists are written by God’s hand.

    • Thanks for reading and comment. Glad it was helpful. Yes, the “Joni-do” list is sort of like God’s “honey-do” for me (His beloved child).

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