Breaking Out Of The Doldrums

It’s the end of January.

Five weeks after Christmas. Ten weeks after the leaves showed their glorious, last hurrah of the season. At least ten weeks more until green buds and a warmer breeze.

It’s easy to get into the doldrums this time of year.

Special note: The doldrums I’m talking about are different than clinical depression or other conditions. If you’re suffering in that way, I pray you get all the help you need. God and your loved ones can’t bear the thought of you existing in that distress. Please do what it takes to get help. You deserve love and kindness and care — and the world can’t do without you! (Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline right now at 1-800-273-8255.)

In this blog, I’m talking about run of the mill, wish it was spring, tired of the cold and dreary skies, kind of doldrums.

In showing love and care, folks have suggested many things. Try a new hobby. Make a gratitude list. Take a vacation. Watch funny movies on TV. Work on your murder mystery because we’ve been waiting a long time to read it….

Doldrums are defined as being stuck in a place where there’s no wind. A place of no movement. No momentum. Stuck. Going nowhere fast, slow, or any other speed.

So I pray to get, and keep, moving. Even if I have to force myself. Even if I don’t want to. Even if I think it won’t work. I try the suggestions. If they work, I keep doing them. If they don’t, I try something else.

If you’re in the doldrums, you’re not alone. Please do whatever helps you break of out the “stuck” place.

Because even the run of the mill, wish it was spring, tired of the cold and dreary skies, kind of doldrums really stink.

And your loved ones care too much to see you in any distress. You deserve love and kindness and care — and the world can’t do without you!

As always, prayers.

What do you do to break out of the doldrums? Please share it to help others.

Breaking Out Of The Doldrums – What do you do to break out of the winter blues? Share it to help others. Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

2 thoughts on “Breaking Out Of The Doldrums

  1. I’m all for a good movie or book to take my mind away from whatever I’m experiencing. I’ve also found doing something for someone else does a great job of my doldrums.

    • Thanks for sharing, Tim. I appreciate your ideas. I also will watch a good movie or TV show. And helping others is always a great thing!

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