Best Friends with Superman

What fictional character do I want as a best friend?

I’ll let the “kid” in me answer this question.

I choose Superman.

Why is Superman my choice?

So he can take me FLYING!

He wouldn’t let go, so I wouldn’t fall or get hurt.

Plus, he’s strong and all about truth and justice. I like folks who do the right thing.

Your turn to share! If you could choose any fictional character to be your best friend, who (or what) would you choose AND why?

Best Friends with Superman – What fictional character will you choose and why? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Best Friends with Superman

  1. I would choose Timothy from the book— The Cay. He was strong and looked out for others. He was very poor and spent a life doing hard work. But, he enjoyed life and simple pleasures. His favorite quote was “Dat be outrageous…”. He said that about everything, good, bad, funny. He even gave his life for someone.

    • Rich, full characters remind us of the best and worst of ourselves. Enjoying life is an art to which we can all aspire.

  2. Thanks Joni. I’d go with Sherlock Holmes. He’s be a great friend consultant for my writing.

    • Good old Sherlock. Can figure out any problem — even the ones we encounter with writing. 🙂

  3. Virginia Tinsley

    I would love to have Precious Ramotswe of The #1 Ladies Detective Agency series as my BFF. Alexander McCall Smith has created such a wise, compassionate character. I could imagine chatting with her while we sip red bush tea.

    • Great choice! Hope you can meet the author some day and learn more about how the character was created.

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