What Goes In My Heads Stays There
I like being G-rated. And I want to stay that way.
Unfortunately, many things in the world aren’t G-rated.
It’s very difficult to avoid images and language and concepts that I don’t want in my head.
As much as I try to guard against it, I can’t always prevent it.
What Goes In My Head Doesn’t Just Stay There
But worse than just being in my head, the images and language and concepts seep, or sometimes race, from my head into my spirit.
And I really don’t want them there.
What Goes In My Head SERIOUSLY Doesn’t Just Stay There
Because then the worst thing of all happens:
What’s in my head and my spirit comes out of my mouth. And in my actions.
Being On Guard Is Bidirectional
Because I have to be both on guard against taking in the “swirl of the world”, and also sending that out back into the world, I need help.
My best defense is to ask God to direct my thinking. And if I have clear, clean thinking, my words and actions are much more likely to be kind and respectful and helpful.
I wish asking God for that kind of help was a one-shot request.
It isn’t.
I have to keep a running conversation and consistently and continuously ask God to clear out wrong thinking and give me a clear mind, a clean heart, a mindful tongue, and carefully thought-out actions.
It’s easy to get caught up in the “swirl of the world” — because it’s around me 24/7.
But I like being G-rated. And I want to stay that way.
What helps you think and speak and act with kindness?
Being On Guard Is Bidirectional – What helps you think and speak and act with kindness? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
Joni, I had to share this on X. I do a lot of client research on that platform. And, oh my gosh, the nonsense that prevails! Thanks for this reminder that our minds and bodies are temples of our Savior and we need to keep them clean!
I appreciate you reading and sharing, Jyll. Thanks for your thoughts and for sharing the post.
Great post, Joni! It is very hard to keep a G-rated mind these days. Like you, I have to have a continual running conversation with God about the swirling mess in my brain. I have moments of peace and rest, then something stirs me up and the swirl starts all over again. Like you said, it is never a one and done. It is a continual process. But, I think that brings us closer to God as we seek His help to deal with this life.
Thank you for sharing, Jane. I agree the whole point is to stay in constant contact with God – He made us to have a relationship with Him. And life doesn’t work without that.
Thank you, Joni. An encouraging post reminding me to stay in communication with the Lord and to pursue holiness in Him.
I appreciate you reading and sharing, Tim. I’m grateful my post was helpful to you.