The Value of Story

Some stories nurture me emotionally. Others fill my mind with important facts I can apply to make my life better. But there are some that have a negative impact on me.

Story Is Connection

Growing up, television was my babysitter. My constant companions were cowboys, space explorers, entertainers on variety shows, and game show hosts who were happy to give away money. Even today, shows are still a big part of what I consider entertainment.

When I think about why shows draw me in and nurture me, it’s the characters. They’re like old friends. I root for them and want them to overcome their problems and have great lives.

When I watch the series finale of a favorite TV show, I cry. I want that series to continue because the camaraderie and emotional connection nurture my soul.

Story Is Life

It’s the same way in real life. I grieve when friendships ebb or end. I miss those relationships. And I mourn not being involved in their trials and triumphs, and them not being a part of mine.

— The cherished writers I see once a year at conferences.
— Co-workers from past jobs who shared hours a day with me.
— College friends who were part of my life decades ago.
— People I love who have stepped into eternity.

I wish all of those relationships were still active and ongoing. Because I was nurtured and supported and cared for by those people.

I’m realistic enough to know that relationships end for a variety of reasons.

But I do my best to reach out and stay in contact with people I value. And pray they reach back and support me in the ways they can in their busy lives.

And most importantly, even if I don’t see them often, or even at all:

— I pray for them and ask God to bless them and help them.

— And also pray that God comforts me and puts the people in my life when, and how, and for how long, they are supposed to be there.

My life, and the life of every human being, is its own story.

A story that unfolds minute by minute until its finale.

Story Is Forever

Once my earthly story is written, people may grieve or miss me. And wish my story would continue because they don’t want our camaraderie or emotional connection to end.

But I have the best and surest hope of all:

My story will only move from its earthbound location to an eternal one. The care and nurturing and loving relationships there will never ebb or end.

And the joy that exudes from that belief is a wonderful, constant companion indeed.

What do you value about story?

The Value of Story – What do you value about story? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

2 thoughts on “The Value of Story

  1. I use stories the same as you. When the people in my life reject me, I turn to fictional characters in books for friendships, companionship, and connection. You were raised with the television. I was raised with books. I took Ma Ingalls as a mother figure during childhood and often quote her in my head when problems arise. One of my favorite quotes of her’s is…. “there’s no great loss without some small gain.” So I try to look for that gain.

    Robin Jones Gunn has provided groups of women for me to socialize with when real life people won’t.

    I am very grateful for your friendship. Even though we can’t connect as much as we used to, I know you would be there for me in a minute and I would do the same for you. I’m looking forward to spending eternity with you and many others:)

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thank you for your thoughts, Jane. I appreciate your friendship and support of my writing. Prayers for you!

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