The Cost of Disobedience

God Communicated Clearly

God communicates with each of us differently.

Sometimes I get messages from what I hear or read, and I certainly get direction from the Bible. But at times, God speaks to me in my spirit.

During my quiet time one morning about a year ago, God told me something He wanted me to do. The instruction was completely out of the blue, and didn’t make one bit of sense based on what was going on in my life right then.

It was also something I didn’t want to do. At all. I feared having to face the emotional consequences of being obedient. I wanted to protect myself from emotional pain.

My Reactions

So I kept talking to God about it, trying to make sense of what He had said.

I made a half-hearted effort to comply, but continued to think through all of the reasons why I didn’t want to follow His instructions.

Over the following few months, nothing came of my efforts, and the message seemed to fade from its prominence in my thoughts and my spirit. I thought I had tried, and it didn’t happen, so God had made something different happen. The matter seemed settled.

What Happened Next

Starting about two months ago, a situation I can’t control hit full force. And it has severely impacted my emotional well-being. As with many issues that damage emotionally, it has manifested itself in physical illness as well.

As I prayed for God’s help and understanding about how to handle the situation, I realized it was directly related to the message God had given me a year ago. If I had done what God had told me to do, I wouldn’t be in this situation. I would not have been around the people who initiated and perpetuated the disruption.

I’m living the consequences of my disobedience.

Let me be clear about this: I don’t view this as God punishing me.

I know that when God gave me that instruction, His goal was to protect me and get me away from a harmful situation He knew was in my future.

What Happens Now

— God loves me and is helping me through the situation. I don’t know how long it will last, but He does.

— He’s guiding me about what He wants me to do next.

— I’m taking the actions He’s telling me to take. Even while I’m still suffering the consequences of the original disobedience. And even though I have fear about what will happen in the future.

— God will always protect me, and wants me to do His will so I don’t suffer unnecessary consequences.

— I’ve once again been reminded that if God tells me to do something, whether it makes sense or not, I need to wholeheartedly do what He wants. And ask God to do for me what I can’t do for myself.

— God wants me to have a good life. Yes, life is life, and trouble will still occur at times. But I don’t want to cause pain I could have avoided if I had done what God said to do.

What Happens in the Future

I’d like to be super spiritual and say that from now on, I’ll always do what God wants, when and how He says to do it, and with complete joy and trust that things will work out okay.

I can’t make that promise. I’m just a human being who struggles with wanting my way, with fears that keep me stuck, and reasoning that sometimes can’t see everything necessary to make a healthy decision.

And I have God. Who loves and protects and guides and never gives up on me.

He speaks clearly and I hear Him when I’m willing to listen. And He helps me every second of my life.

So maybe, just maybe, I’ll choose to do what He says, and experience the cost of disobedience fewer times in the future.

What helps you do what God wants?

The Cost of Disobedience – What helps you do what God wants? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “The Cost of Disobedience

  1. Thanks for going deep, Joni. I too understand the heartache of not following what you know God desires and the mental, spiritual, and physical consequences from our choices. You described everything so well. I think it is good to know we are not alone. And, hearing others stories and experiencing consequences from our own actions, helps us learn to do what God wants immediately… no waiting.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      I appreciate you reading and sharing, Jane. God is good, forgives, heals, and continues to guide. Thanks.

  2. Well written. Thank you for being transparent and vulnerable enough to share this. I also appreciate that you clarified that God is not punishing you for your disobedience, but your failure to act on what he knew best for you is the consequence for that non-action.

  3. Thank you, Joni for sharing your experience and the wise instruction to listen to God and obey Him.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks for reading and sharing, Tim. I appreciate your support, and am very thankful for your blogs!

  4. What a great topic. The more I study the Bible the more I realize how disobedient I am. There is one particular time I was told to do something and I didn’t. I didn’t understand how. If I had done what I was supposed to I am sure guidance would have been given. But since I chose not to do it I will never know. I also think not hearing God for some time now is a result of disobedience.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thank you for reading and sharing, Nancy. I’m grateful God forgives and gives us more opportunities to do what He wants. Prayers for you.

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