Start the Day Over at Any Time

First thing in the morning

Some days, I wake up in what I refer to as: “being in such a bad mood, I can’t stand myself”.

Not the way I like to start the day. I definitely don’t want to be around people when I’m in that state of mind. And I seriously doubt others want me hanging around them right then.

Regardless of my mood when I wake, the first thing I do is start talking to God. I write a gratitude list and read from my favorite devotion books. And then I read my Bible and continue talking (and listening) to Him. It helps me face the day.

Other times of day

Life happens. Circumstances, and my attitude, can spiral downward.

The great thing is, I can start the day over. And every once in a while, I have to start a day over multiple times.

How I start my day over

It’s not magic. The same thing works every time.

I chat with God and admit that I’m having trouble with life at that moment. Then ask Him what I need to do next.

And start again.

How do you start your day over?

Start the Day Over at Any Time – How do you start over when the day goes bad? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Start the Day Over at Any Time

  1. What a good idea! I totally get the waking up in such a mood you can’t even stand yourself:) I definitely am going to begin starting my day over in the middle of the day as often as I need to, with help from the Lord.

    Your blogposts are always so helpful to me and I am grateful to you for taking the time to write them:)

    • Thanks for sharing and I’m glad my thoughts are helpful to you! Love your blogs as well. 🙂

  2. Joni, such a great thought! Sort of takes the pressure off to know you don’t have to wait until the next day to start over. Recently, I’ve adopted a statement for myself that I use with my pre k students. I have a couple of little ones who push their stubborn button at school and we talk about what a “re-set” button can do! So now, when my day goes south and I need to start my day over; I, too, push my re-set button!

    • Thanks for sharing that great idea, Juanita (Nitawa…) 😉 Resetting is a definite must!

  3. Thanks Joni. Yes, prayer is a must for me when starting over.

    • Thanks for reading and commenting, Tim. So thankful God listens and answers prayers – any time of day. 🙂

  4. Generally, when I wake up in a bad mood, I get frustrated because I’m in a bad mood, which doesn’t help. Then I look around for something/someone to blame. The day spirals down from there.

    I love the idea that I can start over at any time of day. I don’t have to chalk it up as a total loss and hope tomorrow’s better. My attitude isn’t locked into place; God can always recreate my spirit.

    Thank you for the encouragement!

    • Thanks for sharing and commenting. I’m glad what I wrote is helpful. The verse that says God’s mercies are new every morning – I am thankful His mercies are new every time I turn to Him. 🙂 I appreciate your comments – and I agree: God recreates my spirit. Wonderful thought.

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