My Commitment for Memorial Day

Memorial Day was created to honor those who gave their lives for this country.

To honor those who won for us, at so great a cost, our freedom and our democracy.

There are many opinions and beliefs about how best to run the country.

My blog is NOT the place to express those opinions and beliefs.

What I want to say is:

Thank you to everyone who sacrificed your life in service to this country.

And I pray I age in a way that my experience becomes a virtue that I use sensibly by being willing to:

— Put past differences with others behind me

— Search to find common ground with those who have different ideas

— Set aside my belief that I’m the only one who is “right”

— Never engage in a battle to win it just for the sake of winning

— Sacrifice my desire to be in power if it means I try to deny others the freedoms people died to give all of us

— Move forward together with everyone, because I fully believe they love this country as much as I do

And in those efforts, I will truly honor those who gave their lives for the country I love.

How do you honor the people who died for our freedom and our democracy? What will you sacrifice to honor their sacrifice?

My Commitment for Memorial Day – What will you do to honor the people who died for our freedom and our democracy? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

4 thoughts on “My Commitment for Memorial Day

  1. You proposed very thought provoking questions at the end of your post. Especially, what would I sacrifice to honor their sacrifice? All I can think to say is a very heartfelt thank you for the men and women who have fought to give us religious freedom in this country. I value that above everything as it lets me worship and develop my relationship with God in a wonderful church and free home. Great post, Joni!

    • Thanks for reading and sharing, Jane. Freedom comes at a high cost, and I, too, am grateful for all who paid it.

  2. Great post, Joni. Thank you.

    • Thanks for reading and commenting, Tim. I appreciate your continued support. 🙂

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