Halfway There — What Matters?

The Present

The year is half over.


That can’t be!

But it is.

The Future

Six months from now:

— Summer will have succumbed to the vibrant spectacle of autumn leaves.

— Those leaves will have crunched under the feet of candy-seeking super heroes and princesses.

— Halloween treats will be a distant memory, as will Thanksgiving meals and game results.

— And the Christmas glow will be fading as plans to welcome the new year will be foremost in our minds.

The Options

And when I look back on it, will those six months seem to have passed as quickly as January through June did?


I can’t control time.

But when I look back on 2024, I want to know I used the time on things that mattered. I want to know I:

— Was kind and compassionate to others
— Took care of myself so I could help others
— Reached out to friends and loved ones, and made sure I told them they are valuable to me
— Paused to assess what is important
— Readjusted if I’ve gotten off track
— Not wasted time on activities that don’t nurture my spirit
— Asked God to help me do what He wanted me to do
— Trusted God to do His part

The Decision

Six months will pass regardless of how I choose to spend that time. Yes, spend it.

Spend a precious commodity that I can never get back.

And my choices will net some type of return on my investment.

My prayer for myself and you:

Halfway there (and every moment), what helps you make choices that matter?

Halfway There — What Matters? And what helps you make choices that matter? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Halfway There — What Matters?

  1. What my Mother taught me – In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind. The return on your investment is never ending. I tried to pass this on to my son when he was young. He is 35 and is just now getting it.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks for sharing, Randy. We all have our paths in life – and different times we learn different things. I appreciate you reading the commenting.

  2. What a motivational post! It really made me think about how I’m spending my time today. Thank you for that prayer. I really need to continue to pray it for myself and others.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      I’m glad the post was helpful, Jane. I appreciate you reading and commenting.

  3. Awesome post, Joni! Really a great challenge for living. Thank you!

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Tim. I appreciate your blog and the support you give my posts.

  4. Thank you Joni for this reminder!

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thank you for reading and sharing, Judy! I’m glad the post was helpful.

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