There are so many worthy causes, and so much need, that sometimes it’s difficult for me to determine what service to give.
What service should I give?
I can fall into the terrible trap of feeling guilty because I can’t give everything to everyone.
And even worse, force my help on people who haven’t asked for it (and may not need it). Ugh.
I can complicate things and ask myself a ton of questions to determine if a service is healthy for me to give.
Do I have the skills to really help? Is there another cause I care about more? How does this impact my other commitments? The list could go on and on.
But here are the most important guidelines I use to decide what service I can give.
Does it deplete or energize me emotionally and spiritually?
Do I dread doing the service? Am I resentful? Do I feel depleted emotionally?
Healthy service for me regenerates my spirit even if I’m physically tired.
Am I the correct person to do the service, or should someone else do it?
This isn’t just because I might not have the skill set to really help.
I have to ask myself if I’m doing service that someone else needs to do. If I’m always the first to volunteer, then others don’t receive the blessing of giving the service.
And the most important question of all: Is this a service God wants me to give?
I can do more damage than good if I decide what people need and what they don’t.
It’s like that old comedy routine where a young man keeps trying to help an old lady across the street and she doesn’t want to go because she knows she’s already on the correct side of the road!
I need to do what God wants, or I may unintentionally harm others. Someone else could be more helpful. Or another person needs the blessings of giving the service. And I’m always on the losing end if I don’t do what God wants.
How do you decide what service is healthy for you to give?
Giving Back In A Healthy Way – How do you decide what service to give? Share on XJoni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.
May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.
What a great way to determine whether to serve in an area or not.
Many times, when I choose not to serve in an area, it is because I am so depleted, so mentally and physically tired… I just can’t do one more thing.
Maybe I wouldn’t get to that point if I would go through your list to determine if I should be doing something in the first place.
Thanks for sharing, Jane. Hope blog is helpful.