
People Have Faith

The majority of people have faith — at least in something. Some people have faith in:

— Their own ability to handle everything life throws at them.

— The financial wealth they’ve accumulated. Or the sources that contribute to those finances.

— People in their lives, and the ability of those people to provide love, safety, and security.

What Is Faith?

When I think about what faith means to me, it has two elements:

— Belief – the assurance based on what has been proven

— Trust – the expectation of what will happen based on a proven past

Is It Safe to Have Faith?

— Events like catastrophic illness or accidents can destroy my ability to handle life myself.

— My job, the stock market, identity theft, and banks folding can annihilate my financial security.

— People decide to end a relationship, become ill, or die.

What Can I Have Faith In?

The only thing that has never changed in my world is God and Who He Is.

— He planned and knows every life event I’ll experience. Whether I ask for help or not, He always sends answers, or people, or the help I need.

— God created everything, and it all belongs to Him. He gave me the ability to work and opened the way for jobs through the years. And always provides everything I need. There isn’t enough paper and ink in the world to list the other blessings He’s given.

— Friendships and relationships have sometimes lasted for a season and then ended. Other loved ones have become too ill or unable to support me emotionally. And of course, people I love have stepped into eternity.

Why Do I Place My Faith in God?

— Belief – that God is Who He says He is because He continually proves His love, care, protection, and guidance.

— Trust – because God has never lied, never failed, never forsaken me, and never left me, I expect Him to never change.

What helps you find a faith that never fails?

Faith – What helps you find a faith that never fails? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “Faith

  1. I’m with you, Joni. My faith is in a God who never fails, because humans and this world will fail me over and over, and I will fail them. It’s only by faith in God and His Holy Spirit living in me that I won’t fail in my relationships… and life… because I have total faith in His redemption when I have failed.

    Great post!

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thank you, Jane. God is the example of faithfulness. And I am thankful, too, that He forgives when I am not as faithful as He would like me to be. Prayers for you.

  2. Wonderful post on faith, Joni. God’s faithfulness and unfailing love, along with the truth of His Word, continue to grow my faith. He is our Rock! Blessings to you!

  3. Thanks, Joni. Faith is so important in our lives. Important to have faith in the right thing.

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