A Fun Christmas Memory

Years ago — okay, decades ago — a friend and I were driving around neighborhoods looking at Christmas decorations and lights. And playing Christmas carols on the radio and singing.

I’m certain my friend would have been happy enough just to see the decorations and listen to the music.

Thankfully, he still seemed to enjoy himself while tolerating my description of each decoration – as if he couldn’t see them for himself.

“Oh, wow! Those wreaths! I love it when people have big houses with lots of windows and they put a lighted wreath with a big red bow in every window! It’s so elegant. Don’t you think so?”

“And look! Isn’t that the prettiest manger scene ever? That donkey looks real. Doesn’t he look real?”

And so the evening progressed.

Then we saw it.

Santa in his sleigh – led by eight tiny….

Pink flamingos with Santa hats.

We howled with laughter and decided that among all of the beautiful, chic, humorous, cute, elegant, and goofy decorations, that was the funniest ever.

Fast forward to last Christmas.

My friend lives far away from me now, but when I came across one particular display, I stopped the car and took a picture. Then I went back the next day to get a better picture in daylight.

I texted him the picture, and we were decades younger. Reminiscing, laughing, and talking about the funniest looking reindeer ever.

Merry Christmas, everyone. May your Christmas memories be happy — and give you joy for decades.

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Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.