365 Mysteries

My favorite genre is mystery. And why wouldn’t it be?

I get to be the main character in 365 new mysteries beginning January 1st every year.

Unique mysteries plotted by the Creator before any of my days began.

In my fiction, I create a character from the beginning of their lives. I dream up life events that make them “who they are” as the story begins. Some events are nurturing and life-affirming. Others, gut-wrenching and traumatizing.

Every scene, whether it’s happy or tragic, is part of the character arc that’s meant to help them confront and let go of the pain of their past. To free them to live a “better” life.

If my character could talk with me, they might tell me they don’t trust I’ll turn the “tragic and terrible events” to their good by the end of their story.

The mysteries created for me — those 24-hour snippets of life — imagined and spoken into existence by the originator of all stories — are the character arc of my life.

In a story designed to help me overcome the hurts this world inflicts.

A story created specifically for me by a trustworthy, loving Author.

Who will turn everything for my good by the end of my story.

Welcome to the new year. And 365 new mysteries that God has lovingly planned just for you.

365 Mysteries – Created Just For You. Why Mystery Should Be Your Favorite Genre. Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

2 thoughts on “365 Mysteries

  1. What an amazing way to look at our lives under the plans God made for us at the beginning of our lives… to look at each day as a mystery written by God. I love your thought processes on this. Thank you for sharing. It makes looking forward to each day in 2023 more exciting.

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