
What A Company Thinks

I was one of the millions of Americans caught in a data breach of a huge company.

A class action lawsuit was settled as a result of this particular breach, and each person affected received part of the settlement.

So I got a check for what this company thought my identity was worth:


I suppose they added the penny so it wouldn’t look like they valued me less by rounding down to the nearest dollar.

Of course, being part of the breach means it raises the risk of my identity being stolen.

I prove I value myself more by paying five times the settlement amount each year for identity protection. I’ve also spent weeks putting all possible security measures in place. And I spend even more time regularly reviewing accounts and suspicious activity.

What A Coworker Thinks

Throughout my working career, many coworkers have been communicative and worked to ensure our mutual success on projects.

Others have not.

That unwillingness to collaborate with coworkers clearly proves their inability to value others.

Besides making it difficult to complete the work successfully, relationships are damaged and strained.

Sometimes God tells me to stay in a job. Even when God gives the go-ahead to search for another job, it can take time. In situations where I’m forced to endure the mistreatment of others, for the time I have that job, I prove I value myself by enduring to ensure my financial security.

What God Thinks

He planned every second of my life before I was born.

God has proven He values me by His love, care, guidance, healing, and in so many other ways.

But the most important proof that God values me is that:

He gave His Son, the most valuable treasure in all of creation, so I could have a relationship with God forever.

And that’s all I need to know about my worth.

What helps you value yourself and others?

Worth – What helps you value yourself and others? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

5 thoughts on “Worth

  1. I value you Joni, and I value your words. I see God’s work through the messages He sends through you to us. I find it amazing!

    The thing that helps me value others is when I see them deeply committed to Christ and being a shining example for the world.

  2. Phyllis Farringer

    Thank you for your insight, Joni. What God thinks is what really matters.

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thanks for sharing, Phyllis. I appreciate you reading and commenting. I enjoy reading your blogs. 🙂

    • Post Author Joni Vance

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Phyllis. I appreciate your blogs, and am praying for you.

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