When the Words Don’t Flow on the Page

A weekly blog requires commitment and lots of ideas in the pipeline.

But what if the ideas don’t come or the words don’t flow?

Even when I ask God for the words, sometimes I don’t get them.

That’s what has happened the past couple of weeks. I’ve brainstormed, started several unfinished blogs, and asked friends for prayers.

So what do I write?

A blog about not having the words to write a blog.

Along with the reminder that even though I pray for something, God may not give it to me when I want, or in the form I think it ought to be.

What do I do next?

Remember that I decided years ago that God is.

And God is who He says He is. The Almighty – with ways and thoughts higher than mine.

I don’t know why the words haven’t flowed in the time and way I’d hoped.

But I still want to write what God wants me to write.

So I’ll put words on paper and let God take care of the outcome.

And the most important reminder:

Me doing my small part after I ask God for help is all I can do. God has control of the outcome of everything in life.

He can be trusted.

After all, this blog’s written now. I got what I prayed for.

What do you do when you don’t get an answer in the way you envision?

When the Words Don't Flow on the Page – What do you do when you don't get an answer in the way you envision? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

2 thoughts on “When the Words Don’t Flow on the Page

  1. Wait. After all that’s what God tells us to do many times throughout scripture. I wait, but I keep trying… because “perhaps God” (remember the speaker at Blue Ridge who spoke on those words from the Bible?) And you’re right. You did get a blog put out today:) And it was good!!

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