Find A Way To Work On Your Dream

Writing when I’m not writing

Agatha Christie must have washed a lot of dishes because she wrote a lot of books. Good books. She found what worked for her.

Moments at the keyboard are limited, so like many writers, I had to figure out how to write when I’m not actually writing. Brainstorm the possibilities. Develop a can’t-put-down plot and create unforgettable characters.

One of the best times for me is when I’m in the shower. I think through scenes and say the dialogue. Out loud. And feel the character’s emotions. Some days, sad tears or laughing tears flow with the water.

Thank goodness I didn’t do that in my college days when there were roommates who could hear. They might have suggested I get some kind of “help”.

Seriously though, writing isn’t just when I sit at the computer.

Work on your dream when you can’t work on it

It’s the same for any dream. Whether it’s a book or a song or life adventure or business idea.

The chance to dream and plan and calculate and analyze and…. Well, you get the picture.

How do you find ways to dream and plan your goals when you can’t actively work toward them?

Find A Way To Work On Your Dream – How do you work on your dream when you can't? Share on X

Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

8 thoughts on “Find A Way To Work On Your Dream

  1. Great Post! Thank you for the encouragement and ways to find time to write or follow other dreams. Many times I work on projects in the yard and plot out stories.

    I do a lot of dishes, too. But usually, I am concentrating on the steps I need to do to get done as quickly as possible:) Maybe I need to slow down the process and come up with a new scene instead.

    • Sounds like gardening time works best for you! And getting the dishes done ASAP is the goal for me, too. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. I routinely use the Notes App on my phone. Quickest and easiest way for me to jot ideas.

    • I’ve heard of folks using Notes. Glad it is helpful – and for giving that idea to others. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Bobby composes music in the shower. A creative outlet for all…just watch that water bill. And the lack of hot water for anyone showering afterwards. Ha! Thanks for sharing,Joni!

    • Too funny! Yep, the water bill might get out of hand. Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing Joni! I used to have a dry erase board that was created for the shower. I had so many thoughts and would forget them before I could get to a pen and paper!

    • I’ve never heard of that kind of dry erase board. Might be a good idea to investigate. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

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