What’s Good About The Cold?

Some people might say, “Not much.” Others would respond, “Everything.”

The older I get, the colder I get. And my feet feel it the most. Especially sitting at the computer to work all day.

House at what some would call a toasty 70 degrees. Me, fully dressed in slacks, turtleneck, cardigan, fuzzy kneesocks, and shoes. Feet — freezing.

Seriously? Ugh. I think my doctor wonders if blood exists in my circulatory system.

But there are things I love about the cold.

The crisp air that invigorates and cleanses the mind, body, and spirit. (Not the air so cold it forms nose hair crystals that melt when you go back in the house.)

Snow that coats the ground and glistens when the sun breaks through the clouds. And in the South, the kind that typically melts by the afternoon so you aren’t a house hostage.

Warm quilts for snuggling. A cup of cocoa — topped with marshmallows, of course. And big furry houseshoes that look like two hairy, pink pandas wrapped around your feet.

And then there’s the memory of past seasons. Bookended by the promise of the next spring, summer, and autumn. What a difference a few weeks can make… (Yes, it’s the same yard as the picture above.)

Your turn: What Do You Love About The Cold?

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Joni Vance is an award-winning author of fiction, essay, and poetry. She loves mystery, history, and how God reveals Himself every day.

May God reveal the mystery of His love in your life story.

6 thoughts on “What’s Good About The Cold?

  1. Virginia Tinsley

    I like hiking in the winter because I don’t have to worry about poison ivy, pesky insects, or snakes. The bare trees allow for much better views. And sometimes I see magical effects of the cold such rime ice (frozen fog), icicles, and ice walls.

    • Thanks for your comments. Yes, no bugs, snakes, or poison ivy is a definite plus! And the artist in you described the view perfectly. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the post. I like the cold because it is invigorating.

  3. I love this post and the picture I got in my head of you all bundled up:)

    I love sledding. We have a great hill behind our house and with the recent snows, I was able to go sledding with our grandchildren. I also love that the air is so clean… no allergies. I can actually go out and play without having an attack of hay fever, and sneezing my head off:)

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